
Voices into ChoicesThe methods used by Christina Brodie & Associates are based on the book Christina co-authored, Voices into Choices: Acting on the Voice of the Customer. The book is designed to enable a team to guide themselves through a Voice of the Customer project helping them to:

  • Frame their Project
  • Organize their Resources
  • Collect Customer Data
  • Understand their Customers’ Voices
  • Select Action


What People Are Saying:

“This book is an exceptionally comprehensive, step-by-step guide to incorporating the Voice of the Customer into the decision-making process of designing products or services. We have used the FOCUS process to guide the design of a consolidated and integrated pharmacy service across our six hospitals and associated ambulatory sites.”

Jack Cook, President and CEO
Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati


Voices into Choices distills and integrates a profound understanding of the best tools and methods for conducting Voice of the Customer inquiries and describes step-by-step processes and practical guidelines for taking action and getting useful results. Richly illustrated with actual case studies, this text will surely become a useful and widely used handbook by practitioners committed to improving their organizations’ performance.”

Ray Stata, Chairman
Analog Devices, Inc.